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Dungeons & Dragons

One of the best games to ever be created! A lot of people think it's nerdy and complex but that is just not true. Basically in the game, there's a dungeon master who tells the story and guides the players through the story and gives them different obstacles to cross, puzzles to solve, monsters to fight etc. and the players are the main characters in the story who have to try to survive their journey and reach their goal. The only limit is your imagination and that is one of the sole reasons why a lot of people love this game. Another reason why this game is phenomenal is that if one doesn't understand the rules, they can make up their own rules which has always been an outstanding and fascinating to a lot of people.

"Dude, yesterday in Dungeons & Dragons, I got slayed by a monster in the first fight."

by Gloo-Gloo March 30, 2024


your first real love, your darkest nightmare

DRAGONDREAMFEET: Hello, ahbap man.

*some time later*

SimpJimmy: See you around, man ahbap.

---5 long years later---

SimpJimmy: Hey DRAGON, I need to tell you something important.

DRAGONDREAMFEET: Hey Simp, what's up?

SimpJimmy: I am not the person I pretended to be. It is time now.

DRAGONDREAMFEET: Ahbap what are you talking abo-...

PijimSammy: *Pulls DRAGONDREAMFEET's heart out* Sorry, DREAM boy. I wish we could stay friends as we were for the last 5 years.

DRAGONDREAMFEET: *inaudibly* Move... to the left...

PijimSammy: Huh?! How are you still able to talk?

DRAGONDREAMFEET: Step to the... right...

PijimSammy: Crap!


Mystical Epic Chorus: DRAGON. DREAM. FEET.

*A strong energy burst + sick explosion*


???: Not today.

by DRAGON-DREAM-FEET November 20, 2021

chunder dragon

ines moir

ines moir is a chunder dragon

by skettyhoor January 2, 2022

Chunder dragon

When you throw up out of your mouth and it comes out of your nose at the same time

Bro after that party last night I pulled a chunder dragon in the bathroom when I got home

by K-Lord June 18, 2017

pussy dragon

Someone who slays pussy whilst being lit af

Jessica: Suck on my clit Jacob
Jacob: Of course Jess
Jessica: Ah Oh aH oH
Jessica: My pussy, im coming
Jacob: Pussy Gang, Pussy gang, pussy gang, pussy gang, pussy gang, spread my tongue through your veins, my tongue is so bangin!
Jessica: You are such a pussy dragon Jacob

by dINGObark December 25, 2017

Pussy dragon

A pussy so powerful that after sex the mans dick is on fire

Wow my dick is on fire. Thats pussy dragon for you it set things on fire.

by December 13, 2020

Dragon rings

To simultaneously blow (vape/smoke either or not both) from the corners of the mouth and from each nostril.

Wow! Did she just blow the most dragon rings ever?

by I. Dyddertwyce December 30, 2022