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holding hair

what a gay man does when he’s outside

ewww that mf holding hair

by seess May 15, 2022

backass hair

(noun) when a person's body hair is visibly present, and continuous, from their neckline, down their back, and into the intergluteal cleft (or, in layman's terms, "ass crack"). Backass Hair is especially distinguished by its thickness of dark, coarse body hair.

Did you see Jamie's backass hair? It's so thick, you could probably braid it down her back!

by helix2go November 14, 2023

coconut hair

It's the one long remaining hair on your boyfriend ends nuts after he attempts to shave them

Omg babe... I thought you shaved..., I found a coconut hair on the bottom of your nuts

by iamkeebler March 8, 2016

Long hair syndrome

When someone with long hair thinks they hella wise and smart but just waffling tryna be like gandalf and are actually just chatting shit and dumb asf

Aye Julian you have long hair syndrome ya know

by Pablo Esc0bar October 11, 2022

Hair mongering

When you are so scared that all your hair stands up on the back of your arms

Omg I was so scared I was hair mongering

by Thebreakfastclub17 January 30, 2022

hair purgatory

The state of boredom, dislike, or displeasure a person experiences in between periods of changing their hair color, cut, or style. Can be used to describe the uncomfortable "grow-out" wait after a bad haircut, or recovery time after a damaging dye job.

I've been in hair purgatory ever since that stylist butchered my hair cut.

by emmatortie June 7, 2015

Hair around the hole

Andy Keenan

Andy Keenan is the hair around the hole that you just can't get rid of

by Ehbro August 27, 2017