An older person getting alcohol for white suburban south side of chicago teenagers.
Person 1: Hey what do you guys want, my brothers getting us a run.
Person 2: Hey get us Twisted, Mikes, and Bud
The sexual of defecating on your partners back and then using the feces to shape their hair into a Mohawk.
Steve gave Kailey a Spartan Mud Run for an anniversary gift this year.
He tiptoed his way cautiously among the trees till he felt that he was out of hearing, and straightway broke into a keen run in the direction of the sandbar.
Short for "motivational run"; Refers to a formation run where cadence is called out to keep everyone running in unison. Generally scheduled before a long weekend to show esprit de corps.
There'll be a battalion moto-run Friday at zero-five, so make sure you bring your glow strap and Green on Green.
Running a business in illegitimate ways for example:
Not filing your accounts properly/or at all
Doing jobs for cash instead of cheque or card to not pay as much tax
Your using that firm? I heard they’d been running bent John.
bun and run. Usually referring to gay men that have a "quicky" with another gay man, often someone they just met on social media sites like Grinder.
He was horney and in town for just a night, so he sought a bun and run.
Significantly grow your financial position. Similar to “let’s get this bread”
“Hey want to go into business together?”
“Hell yeah, let’s run up the bag”