Source Code

Cheesed out

When you are listening to a cheesy song and you just can't take it anymore.

Bob was in his kitchen listening to Altogether Now by the Farm on Spotify and said "fuck me this song has made me so cheesed out, what was I thinking when I added this, I need to delete it now."

by bob the crow November 29, 2010

6๐Ÿ‘ 12๐Ÿ‘Ž


Expressing dismay when you are too stupid or preoccupied to say fuck or an other word.

(airhead blonde drops something) Oh Cheese-and-rice!

by senior peaches July 20, 2003

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Cheese Grater

When you take a shower with your partener and you shit in there and you make them push it down the drain with their foot.

I was with this chick last night while we were showering, I surprised her and made her do the cheese grater.

by kevin 12 May 8, 2008

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Poo Cheese

The smell excreted from the under-roles of an overweight person, usually male, trying to squeeze out a large, Voluptuous particle of human feces in the residence and arena of a toilet area or carier.

In other words...

What you smell when fat sweaty people are shitting. (example 1)


When fat people sweat alot...(example 2)

(example 1) "I meandured into the restroom and there was a strong essance of Poo Cheese that quickly enticed my gag replexes to vomit a little in my mouth arena"

example2) "Sean sat on me today" "i know there was an essance of POO CHEESE, i had to leave"

by Jakeypoo Waddles December 24, 2006

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Cheese Dick

the guy driving in front of you whom refuses to pull away from a green light while yet no cars are coming.

*stop at red light*
*red light turns green*
"why isnt this car pulling out?"
*five mnutes go by*

by Lula12xoxox February 23, 2011

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cheese cow

wellllllllll...itsa cow made out od=f cheese cuz he touched a cursed thingy that made the first living thing touch it turn to cheese. So It wanderes the earth in search of a blue cheese cow. Very ferocious. DO NOT ATEMPT TO EAT IT!

OMG! ITSA CHEESE COW! QUICK HOLD MY SIGN! IM GONNA GO EAT IT! (other guy takes the guys signs that reads I'M STUPID)

by georgton November 24, 2004

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Cheese Butt

Slang term for hoe bag.

Did you see her? She was such a cheese butt.

by Hottie.xo September 12, 2010

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