Betty Yu of KPIX was recently the target of Steven Crowder's racist remarks about possessing an "Aggressively Asian face" in an attempt to say that Asian American journalists as inauthentic, dismissing their incredible accomplishments over many decades of reporting.
The term "Aggressively Queening" is us flipping the script to bring up the amazing and wonderful women leaders in our lives.
Tim: Have you seen Betty recently?
Sarah: omg yes, those halloween photos!
Tim: i know, she's aggressively queening!
Sarah: Yasqueen!
😱: Joseph Alexander Martinez Is The Leader Of Latin Counts, Kings, Queens, And Latinx
Queen shannon's bday is the day when the queen of 🇵🇪 was born. Her birthday is celebrated the 14th september each year. As you should know, she's an important person so you must give her a chocolate ice cream cake.
Hey! It's Queen Shannon's bday let's go buy some chocolate ice cream cake.
She’s ruling Hell like she doesn’t give a damn about what others think, because she’s kind of a Tyrant, but she’s still cool and nice and beautiful. She’s married to Holy Hoe and they will rule soon the whole universe with others super nice bitches
PS : And she cries her heart out 10 times a movie because deep in her heart, she's a sweetheart
Demon Queen is watching you and judging you.
A person who, in the process of prom planning, disagrees with what everyone in the group proposes yet makes no effort to contribute; a person who complains about every step in preparing for prom
Person 1: Donald is being such a Prama Queen.
Person 2: How?
Person 1: He won't stop complaining about our ideas for prom, yet he refuses to help contribute to our plans.
A Pussy Queef Queen is someone who always Queefs loudly and is never not Queefing, when they Queef the whole world shakes. The Queefs are always loud and stinky, smells like rotten farts in a jar
James: Sara is a Pussy Queef Queen and i love it so much
More potent that Mary Jane. Used to a a shorthand for dabs, wax, oil.
I'm going to hook up with queen Jane later in the sky.