A phrase used when someone says or does something out of line/out of pocket and expects a positive reaction.
Person: *does Fortnite dance*
You: oh my...
The typical reaction of a Brendan Frasier enjoyer when he or she sees a negro.
"Oh my lucky stars! A negro!"
It actually means my heart just got ripped into a million pieces but I won’t tell you because you wouldn’t care how I feel anyways.
Boy: I’m sorry, i don’t like you like that.
Girl: oh.
can be used on the end of any sentence/s to enphasise joy, sadness or pleasure.
"oi daveo, wheres bill oh?"
"he j'ed himself and ran home oh."
"oh yeah oh."
"fine oh."
"anyway how's the fam oh?"
"ahhhh well, tom wanks oh."
A word used to reply to a something.
Person1- Hey did you know I just got a brand new pair of shoes.
Person2-Oh cool
a term commonly used by females with stinky coochie who dry text for nothing and are broke asf
person 1: “yo bro hows ur grandpa i heard he got cancer:(“
person 2: oh
there was a definition here but it was deleted
oh what it was google numbers 1 to infinity and take the link and search it and take the text on the page and search it.