National Fuck Pyro Day situation:
Every day :) Joe please hug me!!!
Joe: it’s National hug Sophia day! Guess I better hug my girlfriend!
Sophia: heck yeah!!
National kiss vinny day is on January 4. Any person named vinny you see you need to kiss. They deserve it.
The kiss slowly turned into gay sex on National Kiss Vinny day
May 2 prank wife day is the fseeeeee only if you don't lose her
To day is National Prank Wife Day this is the perfect chance to break up with her to get her best friend
A day to celebrate Sumaiyah Ravat. Only on the 3rd of November. She’s an icon and she is the moment. We love her she slays.
NSD (National Sumaiyah Day) is my favourite day of the year I enjoy celebrating it with the icon only on the 3rd of November!
On April 10th all mechanics shall have their oil drained and their nuts serviced
It’s April 10th I need to find a mechanic to fuck on national fuck a mechanic day
On April 13 be a fucking gentleman and not a fuckboy. Treat girls right and respect them. Maybe buy them a gift but just be nice.
Hey bro are you celebrating National Grab Hearts Day!
Yea I just gave my girl flowers.