an expression used by this one dumb bitch this one time cuz she doesn't wanna take the Lord's name in vain.
stupid bitch: "11 business day hold? Oh my grief!"
Oh my God is something someone may state when they are surprised about something or frustrated. An abbreviation that people may use to say “oh my God” is “omg” which means “oh my God,” or “oml”which means “oh my lord.”
An example:
Boy: *pees pants*
Other Boy: Oh My God/Lord, your a weirdo.
Boy: Oh my lord…
Someone's not really okay, either mad at you, sad, or just tired of everything. Maybe check on them...?
A: Sorry!! I cant come tommarow. I have plans with __ instead. Oops!!
B: oh ok
What you say when you're heartbroken but pretend everything's all good
(some girl) I don't like you in that way
(you) Oh ok
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Shorthand for "whatever, you fucking faggot"
Bill: I got the new DLC for Skyrim today
John: oh ok
u probably made them annoyed/disappointed
hey I change my mind, Im not going
oh mk.
its like saying omg, but better!
you: "Eduardos pregnant"