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gummy bear implants

Gummy bear implants are a cohesive gel breast implant make from silicone. Gummy bears are known to be form stable and keep their shape. FDA approved. They are commonly inserted as a full-sized gel implant through an incision at the underside of the breast. The main advantage of gummy bear implants are that they do not leek if punctured.

I went with gummy bear implants for my breast augmentation.

by RobbiRacks.com July 11, 2018

Find Bears

another way of saying sex in the company of friends who know his phrase, making it harder for a teacher to understand your perverted jokes. This phrase is not connected to a bear, since this is a generict heterosexual or homosexual phrase.

Man, I'm so bored.
Lets go find bears!

by fakjbf January 29, 2011

Kiki Bear

can be found on jtv

Kiki Bear - Kiki_21

by smokedoutsk8ter December 1, 2009


A very cuddly creature that gives all its attention to you!

My pet acts like a Phoo-Bear.

by TheCheernast10 May 13, 2017

Frosty Bear

Another name for a polar bear

That frosty bear is so cold! He needs to warm himself up by setting fire to his farts.

by Puffsi Bear January 18, 2022

Booger Bear Baby

A girl that belongs to Colby that has a nice ass and no one else can touch

Damn did you see that booger bear baby

by $paigejourdy January 16, 2021

munchie bear

A little bear that loves to be snuggled and kissed

The little munchie bear crawled into monkeys bed

by Monkeybooboo April 9, 2022