A phrase most commonly used to describe Ft. Polk Louisiana.
"I have to spend two weeks in the ass crack of america."
1. A person (usually in an office setting) whose is so consistent in brown nosing and kissing the supervisor’s/boss’s ass, their head appears to be a shark fin coming from the recipients buttcrack.
2. Complete and constant kiss-ass.
Mike is constantly kissing up to the supervisors, he is definitely the office crack shark.
Someone who can’t do anything unless they have smoked crack
Stee-devon Went to pick Denayshay up to take her to Costco and she was still in bed when he got there. So Stee-devon whipped out a crack pipe and gave it to Denayshay and straight after she smoked it she shot out of bed and was ready in 2.4 minutes. It’s like the crack had motivated her and she had become Crack-ti-vated
An animal acting both high-strung and dumb as shit.
My dog is being a crack panda.
A popular series of funny or vine videos of so called "naruto on crack"
Radom ass person: yo have you seen naruto on crack other person:wtf is naruto on crack
"It seems like all the cops in Florida are on the take. What a bunch of cracked badges."