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bruh moment

when u experience a big L or oof size large. Could include getting nae nae'd.

My therapist said that we call what I went through a traumatic experience, not a bruh moment.

by xSilentFire March 3, 2020

Bruh Moment

A moment that can only be described as a "Bruh Moment". A "Bruh Moment" is typically a moment where there is something dissapointing or funny has happened. "Bruh Moment" is most often the only thing in a sentence, you don't really have anything else to add after a "Bruh Moment" has happened, maybe Bruh, but that's typically the only thing that you cna say after a "Bruh Moment"

Big Bruh Moment

by bigbruhmoment69 December 8, 2020

Bruh Moment

A brief and sudden moment in time that requires a "Bruh".

The fact that you had to look up the definition of a bruh moment unironically is in itself a Bruh Moment.

by Dixon Mayasse July 9, 2021

Bruh Moment

A brief and sudden moment in time that requires a "Bruh".

The fact that you had to look up the definition of a bruh moment deserves a Bruh Moment.

by Dixon Mayasse July 9, 2021

Bruh Moment

When something in your life goes slightly wrong.

When you see someone deal with misfortune.

"Hey did you hear Sharon got an abortion?" "Damn, that's a Bruh Moment"

"We can't go to McDonald's today, sorry" "Ah well I've just experienced a Bruh moment"

by Memecide May 5, 2020

Bruh Moment

When your friend says something obvious or something they didn't know that literally everyone else knew until they were just told a second ago

E.g 1
Guy 1: Did you know Israel is gay?
Me: Bruh moment, when did you find that out? 2 seconds ago?

E.g 2
Guy: Did Saudi Arabia ever bomb Yemen
Me: Bruh moment, where have you been the past 5yrs? Playing Roblox in your mum's basement?

by DingoAteMyKids August 31, 2019

Bruh Moment

A bruh moment is a certain moment that can last up to a minute. This moment happens when someone says "bruh" or "bruh moment" after something funny or serious happens. This may also be said after someone's recent tragedy.

Billy: My dog died :,(
Bruhnaldo: BRUH MOMENT

by Bruhnaldo September 27, 2019