when u experience a big L or oof size large. Could include getting nae nae'd.
My therapist said that we call what I went through a traumatic experience, not a bruh moment.
A moment that can only be described as a "Bruh Moment". A "Bruh Moment" is typically a moment where there is something dissapointing or funny has happened. "Bruh Moment" is most often the only thing in a sentence, you don't really have anything else to add after a "Bruh Moment" has happened, maybe Bruh, but that's typically the only thing that you cna say after a "Bruh Moment"
A brief and sudden moment in time that requires a "Bruh".
The fact that you had to look up the definition of a bruh moment unironically is in itself a Bruh Moment.
A brief and sudden moment in time that requires a "Bruh".
The fact that you had to look up the definition of a bruh moment deserves a Bruh Moment.
When something in your life goes slightly wrong.
When you see someone deal with misfortune.
"Hey did you hear Sharon got an abortion?" "Damn, that's a Bruh Moment"
"We can't go to McDonald's today, sorry" "Ah well I've just experienced a Bruh moment"
When your friend says something obvious or something they didn't know that literally everyone else knew until they were just told a second ago
E.g 1
Guy 1: Did you know Israel is gay?
Me: Bruh moment, when did you find that out? 2 seconds ago?
E.g 2
Guy: Did Saudi Arabia ever bomb Yemen
Me: Bruh moment, where have you been the past 5yrs? Playing Roblox in your mum's basement?
A bruh moment is a certain moment that can last up to a minute. This moment happens when someone says "bruh" or "bruh moment" after something funny or serious happens. This may also be said after someone's recent tragedy.
Billy: My dog died :,(
Bruhnaldo: BRUH MOMENT