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guys in girl pants

No matter what look you are going for... if you are a guy and you are wearing girl pants, you are gay! Even if you are a heterosexual, you are still gay!

Dude, look at those fags! No bro, those aren't fags, those guys in girl pants are just emo. Maybe so, but they are definitely gay!

by LockJaw69 December 24, 2008

23πŸ‘ 49πŸ‘Ž

False Stat Guy

one who provides, knowingly or unknowingly, incorrect information, confidently as if it where fact. the false information is then backed up by some magnificent (fictitious) source of origination.

anyone who is NOT Chuck Norris.

Mr. Miyagi always told Daniel-san that Ford Mustangs are for 16 year-old girls, according to a double blind study done by Seventeen magazine. Daniel-san called Mr. Miyagi a False Stat Guy since badass Bobby (from the Cobra Kai dojo) drives the automatic V8 GT model.

by Liam Neeson (of the movie Willow) May 15, 2007

3πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

guys' night out

a night out where a bunch of guys set out to do something that their conciences won't let them do. the attached guys usually end up bailing out their single friend out of jail because he's the only one who actually had guilt-free fun!

Al got arrested last night on our guys night out.at least He had fun.how come I got in trouble?

by mopster August 24, 2003

7πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž

Dick Hole Guy

One who sticks his finger in his own dick hole. Fingering of the dick hole

Wow looky this Nave I can finger my dick hole mmmmmmmmmmm My own dick hole guy

by Pee Hole Big and the boyz January 11, 2011

7πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž

internet tough guy

Someone who is awesome and almost always right, and could kick your ass in a fight if he knew where you lived and was sent a plane ticket by you.

Damn, that internet tough guy just wtfbbqlolephantpwned me! He's Dafoe!

by I don't wanna say June 15, 2007

93πŸ‘ 244πŸ‘Ž

Epic Battle Guy

The slayer of all existence, and also the bringer of the beginning, his scuttling can be heard across the ages, behind the backgrounds of time. To be blatent. Do not fuck with this being.

"Oh its epic, its an epic battle, oh oh, Epic Battle Guy."

"Epic battle guuuuuuuuuuuyy!!!"

by Dean F. & Brandyn W. September 17, 2006

15πŸ‘ 30πŸ‘Ž

Stand up guy

Michael Franzese

Hey man! Have you heard of Michael Franzese?

Are you kidding? He’s the definition of a stand up guy!

Oh, my bad!
It’s ok. Fuggetaboutit!

by Gonzorino September 9, 2020

6πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž