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bruh moment

anything from stubbing your toe to starting a nucler war

mr president, did you send those nukes to north korea?" "woah, what a bruh moment" donald were all gonna die" *wipes off sweat* dont wipe off my sweat"

by hurhurbhurbhurbhurbhurbhurbhur July 31, 2020

bruh moment

when something bad is happening its a bruh moment

this is a really bruh moment

by nword dealer September 23, 2019

bruh moment

a bruh moment is a term when someone does something stupid like spending three hours doing somthing only to realize youve been doing it wrong.

guy 1: bro I just had a bruh moment
guy 2: what did you do my dude
guy 1: I spent like half an hour doing math
only to now realize ive done it completly wrong
guy 2: bruh

by egghoe69 September 20, 2020

bruh moment

a situation so baffling all you can bring yourself to say is bruh

now thats a BRUH MOMENT

by heyfellowkids June 30, 2020

Bruh Moment

A saying used when something funny happens or someone does something stupid

Lmao, did you really just screw that up, bruh moment

by BruhM0mento6969 March 28, 2020

Bru H Moment

Bru = Brew
H = Heroin

Basically a moment which makes you want to brew some heroin and inject it.

Person 1: Fuck I've been disowned
Person 2: Bru H Moment
Person 1: Yeah...

by epic gamer man 420 February 6, 2020

2👍 1👎

bruh moment

A moment so amazing, shocking, or eBic that it can only be responded to with the word "bruh".

Gamer 1: "My parents got divorced and my mom got custody."
Gamer 1 1/2: "What a bruh moment."

by BruhMomentoNumeroDos#2 July 17, 2019