The most beautiful and loyal girl to ever exist
Alexa Aliana Ben is beautiful and loyal
A (Brittish) term used to describe a DJ with a lot of unreleased tunes. This usually gets a little frustrating so the term is used as an insult.
Oh don’t do a Ben Sterling please
Lily star's personal dick sucker😫😫😫😫😫😫
Gulp gulp Ben pomford I love you
When you have rough anal sex with a girl then you pull out quick causing the inside of her anal cavity to protrude outwards like a dirty pink sock then you use your big toe to stick the pink sock back inwards
Yo Coen last night I totally did the Ben Wade to that girl from Kmart.
ben fabien i a cool guy who wears a patch jacket and has an evil brother fen babien
ben fabien is a cool dude
A friend who snitches on the whole friend group so you got to kick them out even tho he is the probelm
The ultimate form of retardation. Commonly used to describe someone that did something retarded.
Teacher: "Where's your homework?"
Pupil 1: "Ummmmm... It's there. "
Teacher: "That was homework from 2 weeks ago."
Pupil 2 to Pupil 3: *whispers* "What a Ben Downey! "