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Hair Child

that wad/ball of hair at the bottom of the tub/sink when you get done doing your own hair.

*gets done doing hair* "Aww man! Look at the size of that hair child in the drain!"

by mattchick January 27, 2012

Getting hair

When a individual of the preferred sex sits in the seat behind you in a car and deeply slowly and sexually runs there fingers through your hair

“Hey didn’t you hear? Max was getting hair from Vicky in the Volvo last night after the show. yeah and his boner was extreme”

-“no way, lucky duck.”

by Hairgetter July 31, 2023

Ayden's Armpit Hairs

The armpit hairs of a very hot and intelligent young man that resemble that of Gandalf the Gray.

"Wowie man, have you seen Ayden's Armpit Hairs? They look just like Gandalf!"

by JimmyDingo July 12, 2023

Cunt hair cataracts

Your red headed friend also known as a kit Kat mother fucker. That won't shut up late at night.

You being a damn cunt hair cataracts

by BK15 July 30, 2021

twidle my asshole hairs

This is when you use a twiser to remove your asshole hairs.

im gonna twidle my asshole hairs

by ladybird234 February 27, 2024

Facial Hair

The result of a imprecise male ejaculation onto ones face. If ejaculate lands on, or drips onto the receiving parties hair, they now have facial hair.

I really hope I don't end up with facial hair after this is all over.

by SomethingALittleMoreSpecial November 30, 2022

Facial Hair

If yo girl pussy is hairy, after eating the cat, the hair gets stuck to your chin or on the top of yo lip and will stay there

Woah Joe, how'd you get that facial hair?

I ate my girl pussy last night

by You thought I was feeling u? October 27, 2022

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