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Having a “shitty state” of mind. S standing in place of the adjective.

Jack has been in a real s-state recently.

by Jack Rawlon January 19, 2021

Debbie S

A lady who really has it going on. She keeps her head about her....and always looks great doing it. Everyone wants to know her....but she rarely lets anyone have a peek.

I heard that Debbie S is the most desired woman on the internet.

by bamadude19 June 23, 2017

holdin up 4’s

ur madly in love with kaylynn

p1: i’m holdin up 4’s bc i’m madly in love with kaylynn
p2: me too bro

by anonymously brilliant May 10, 2022

holdin up 4’s

they r secretly madly in love with you

“ I’m holdin up 4’s in front of the person i’m madly in love with”

by anonymously brilliant May 10, 2022

Lynsdey S

A cunt gay faggot who likes furries and has more than 3 furry costumes

That girl in my dorm is such a Lynsdey S

by FlexTape November 2, 2017

Omar S

That kid that always acts tough and acts like a gangster. YOU get on his bad side, he gonna dog on you on Fortnite.

Ishmeet: You finna run duos with me
Omar s: Lets 1v1 im about to dog on you

by DRAKOLESSGO January 20, 2022


were internet memes and still are. cats are pets (and even wild animals) that people love. They are cuddly, adorable, and amazing. But if you have to many, they will get bad, and poop everywhere.

John: "Ayyy I have 69 cats and I love them, but they poop everywhere and leave my house a mess."

Johns friend, Jimmy: "Ahh I think I might know someone who wants cats... I'll ask around for you"

John: "Thanks, but hey, I forgot to ask, would you like a -cat?"

Overall, cat(s) are amazing creatures and pets.

by cat(s) April 24, 2019