A certain definition for that doesn't happen to be the truth. Certain definitions on Urban Dictionary don't happen to be the truth. Certain messages on Urban Dictionary don't happen to be the truth. A certain definition for that doesn't happen to be the truth. Not "When someone is a small brain they are not smart and have the smallest of brain's" from WhyAPenny. Also not "People with small brain typically are named Roger and Bo" from WhyAPenny. /
There is a Small Brain.
A person who has the ability to use drugs cathartically as a way to heal themselves and others rather than fall into addiction and depravity.
Them: Did you hear about Brian? He was caught doing speedballs!
Me: Don’t worry he knows what he’s doing. Brian is a brain chemist.
Receiving oral pleasure from a member of the latinx community.
"Bro I bagged this Mexican bitch and she gave maaaaad burrito brain."
pull your brains out of your ass means you need to pay attention and stop ignoring problems around you
the boss was not happy with his employees slacking off and not paying attention to problems around them the boss told employees i need you guys to pull your brains out of your ass start paying attention and stop ignoring problems around you
When you force yourself to stay awake after not sleeping the whole night, and you get the "Brain-Pain".
Person: "what's wrong you look tired"
Me: "my sleep schedule is fucked so i stayed awake the whole night. Now I've got the 'Brain-Pain'."
correct and far superior word for "headache"
"I don't know, I'm having such a headache today" - "Headache???? What's a headache???? Don't you mean brain pain?!!!"
What are you doing even talking about flame brain (someone that didn’t know what the fuck is going on) :((((