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cat o' nine tails

A whip, usually leather, with nine tails. A variation on the Egyptian flail. Hurts a lot. Often used in bondage.

Sometimes, my lover ties me to the bed and uses the cat o' nine tails on me.

by naughty kitten August 7, 2004

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Berlin Tug-o-War

when two girls stick a string of anal beads in their assholes as far up as they can put it. they then then run as fast as they can in opposite directions.

those freaky chicks on the other side of the iron curtain love to give berlin tug-o-wars.

by El Presedente June 6, 2009

16๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž


something that is just a little more horrific

the power was off while i was away, and when i got back the crisper drawer was eek-o-rific!

by what_eva! March 22, 2010

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A young girl that flirts with as many guys as possible, also is fake as hell and sends nudes to any guy that asks. It's easy to get in this girls pants, due to her lack of self esteem and ugliness. A hoe-o-saurus will either have a butt, or boob, but not both. She will also never stop talking about it and will do anything for someone to look at it.

That girl over there? Yeah she's a hoe-o-saurus, I heard she sent nudes and tried to take it in the ass.

by Makingshitforhoes February 1, 2017

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a ridiculous name used to signify the witty and genius banter focused on making the original commenter feel as though they should crawl into the corner and hide in the dark forever for saying and or doing what they did. Can be used as a hurtful name or compliment depending on the person.

You are such a sarcast-o-face and i pretend to be offended or not like it but its really awesome

by ZSG July 26, 2008

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g o a t

Baaa.. baaa baaa baaaa

G o a t is you are goat

by Littlepixel-2012 January 13, 2021

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When someone's internet connection is so bad they appear to be teleporting. While at times being an accidental occurrence, it is often purposely done with the
intent of making the other player "ragequit". Generally followed up by hate mail and spam, Lag-O-Port is looked down upon, by everyone except scrubs.

Guy 1: Dude I was in a ranked match and this noob kept Lag-O-Porting everywhere!


by Taizuku February 23, 2011

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