Source Code

Atom C

Super Famous ny based rave DJ

to see examples of Atom C go to www.DJAtomC.Com

by AtomCfangirl June 9, 2011

Hari C

there is only one meaning, and the only one meaning is "chapri"

hari c do be chapri

by txny_10110 February 5, 2022


f/c means face check. In League it is used when you need to get vision and you don't have wards. So you just come there and check it (by your body) if its clear.

Don't f/c or you will die!
Make that f/c for us.

by KeegaNcz April 20, 2020

Sally C

Noun: Sally C (Sal-ee-see)

Abbreviation for salad cream.
Invented entirely by Courtney.

"I want Sally C on my fish butty"

by Lolidk919 May 17, 2021

Zachary c

You're so lovely :)

Wow ur so cool Zachary c

by i’m not jay September 23, 2021


Coward Behind A Keyboard

He ain’t nothing but a low-down C-BAK using social media to say what he won’t ever say to my face!

by MBHC September 22, 2019

p e r f e c t.

Ray <3

Ray is absolutely p e r f e c t.

by Wondercat123 September 23, 2021