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Bruh moment

Two guys rubbing their penises together

“I had a huge bruh moment last night with my pal

by Jonah_LT06 August 14, 2021

Bruh Moment

When you get a false positive covid test but still have to isolate

1: I just tested positive then tested negative, but apparently I still have to isolate
2: That do be a bruh moment

by bruhmoment101 December 14, 2020

Bruh Moment

When you think your gonna do something good, and then you get embarrassed 😳.

Person 1: flips a water bottle that has a open cap, and it frickin spills.
Person 2: that is a Bruh Moment

by Crumbley December 3, 2019

Bruh moment

This is when something good, or bad happens, it has multiple uses and can be used for almost anything.

This is truly a bruh moment

by Cummy Yummy UwU October 23, 2020

Bruh Moment

This really do be a bruh moment

It was a bruh moment when I shat myself

by Mynameisntzach June 17, 2020

bruh moment

This is a bruh moment when you searched this up

Guy 1: Dude I passed the final school exams and I am skyrocketing than you

Guy 2: I have A's dude, bruh moment.

by Your fucking wizzard April 21, 2020

bruh moment

This is a bruh moment when you search up this.

Guy 1: Dude I have better grades than you and I'm smarter.

Guy 2: bruh moment, I do man, look at my A's

by Your fucking wizzard April 21, 2020