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Boner line

The lines that like connect to a guys dick like vagina bones but for guys unless you a guy with a pussy if you a guy with a pussy you got vagina bones



Streety: MISSION

by Your Lord and Saviour May 20, 2023

Puberty Boner

When you get a crush on almost every mildly attractive older woman you come in contact with
usually happens to boys around 12-18. right around that time, you get horny over your teachers, mom's friend (s), and maybe even therapist.

Teacher: Jarrad I called on you, please stand up.

Student: ok fine *stands up*

Teacher: oh boy, Jarrad did I cause that?

Student: cause what?

Teacher: Look at your crotch area

Student: Oh sh-

Teacher: it's ok, stay after class and maybe I can help you with your Puberty Boner that I caused *winks*

Student: Ok thanks!

by AyKay(Kayla) January 28, 2023

Eternal Boner

A boner men get when they’re around the girl that they see as the hottest girl in their opinions. Eternal boners can happen from a guy looking at a super hot nude girl on porn, seeing a naked hot in person when they’re about to have sex with them, or seeing their crush naked whatever if it’s in porn or real life.

Me: Man, I cannot stop thinking about Matilde. Every time I see her naked pictures and videos from her Onlyfans, I feel like I get an eternal boner. If I see her naked in person, I’d really have an eternal boner.

Person: Dude, you’re obsessed with her. You wouldn’t last one second having sex with her.

Me: Yes, but I’d still have a huge boner after cumming. I bet I could cum multiple times.

Person: Yeah, right.

by Excrushman January 3, 2021

Sheona boner

Sheona boner is a shiny start that makes you happy

You are like a Sheona boner

by Mrjesusmum November 20, 2023

Boner blob

A fat male with an erection

Dude, I can't believe she's sleeping with him! A carpet for a boner blob!

by Bryadam90 May 13, 2015

Word boner

When a person gets a boner from someone’s words over text. This is the worst boner because someone got hard to words.

Female over text: I wanna touch you

Male: * starts getting word boner*

by Mid12:00Night October 8, 2020

Word boner

When a person gets a boner from someone’s words over text. This is the worst kind of boner because someone got hard to words.

Female over text: I wanna touch you

Male: * starts getting word boner*

by Mid12:00Night October 8, 2020