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I'm wet

When you really think about it the action of being wet is always happening so if somebody say's "I'm wet" tell them YEA WE ARE ALL WET WE'RE MADE OUT OF 70% WATER

They fr just said "I'm wet" that doesn't even make any sense

by FoxxyTheFox01 January 5, 2024

Wet Taki

When your significant other eats an entire bag of Takis, then proceeds to give you a handjob and a blowjob. The sensation of the Taki powder burns your genitalia with pleasure and gives the receiver a euphoric sensation.

Guy #1: Hey, how'd it go with Jennifer last night?
Guy #2: Dude, it was incredible. She gave me a Wet Taki
Guy #1: No way! That's insane!

by Jordan Daniels May 7, 2022

Wet Willy Dickbag

An individual who willing makes hand to hand contact with another individual who has visibly licked their hand.

He saw me lick my hand and still shook my hand, what a wet willy dickbag

by Mpierre October 6, 2021

Wet Wilkie

Like a wet willy, but when you shove your dick in someone's belly button.

Mary: I got a wet wilkie, it was terrorising rape.

by Unknown Dropouts May 30, 2011

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Wet Banana Sunday

when you have to work in a supermarket on a sunday and pick up a bunch of wet imported bananas that have never seen the light of day and they smell fucking foul

โ€œhappy wet banana sundayโ€
โ€œiโ€™m having a breakdown because itโ€™s wet banana sundayโ€

by justgotchocolateimokaynow July 9, 2023

Swifter Wet Jet

when a guy nuts and slings his dick everywhere so his nut gets evereywhere.

"Yo man can you give me the Swifter wet jet?"

by Daddy's Castle February 16, 2020

Wet Lad

Gareth Scourf - derived from the adjective ''shlad'' or ''shit lad''.

A Wet Lad may be defined by;

Pretending your in clubs when actually your at home.

Never doing what you say you will.

Going for dates on the wrong day ''with a girl from home''.

Ditching your real mates for some pretend ''maths friends''.

''Getting henched'' then .....never getting henched.

by gareth scourf January 12, 2011

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