Too fired to give a fuck.
Pheobe Easton, Michael Jones
You don’t even know what you’re talking about you flame brain
humping your brains out would be great right now
An affliction affecting primarily female "influencers" whereby they are unable to receive criticism or have their beliefs challenged due to over represented simp feedback.
Facts don't matter to Sally, she has simp brain.
the dumbest apex players by far, Valkyrie mains that only play her because their favorite streamer/pro player play her, they don't think before they, they don't use her ult very effectively and they suck most of the time.
"She rushed in without her team and flew in a straight line after being full broke, literally valk brain."
The government deluding the left-side of your brain to make less logical decisions.
The government was right-brain luring in the South and the schools had lower education scores because of that.
The delay that comes from being way too high. The reason you laugh after everyone else has gotten a joke, fail to grab a railing in time, raise your hands after you've been punched and redirect your aim only after you've peed on the floor.
(end of joke) get to the other side!
(crowd laughs)
(you look blankly at the teller)
(you laugh, everyone else has stopped)
"Noooooo waaaaaay....the OTHER SIDE....HAHAHAHAHAH!"
Hence, The Marajuana Ten Second Brain Delay
When some one uses something you say against you in a later conversation
You can't use what I say against me that's brain judo