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Β£50 note

A red and large object that many would want to hold. This can frequently be taken as a sexual innuendo by people of many ages.

'Would you like to hold my Β£50 note?' 'No thanks, I have my own'

by Zameseth August 29, 2012

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back note

a light, almost airy aftertaste
Comes from the perfume industry meaning the last odor left on the skin as perfume fades

Derp: I liked the aftertaste, but later the back note was annoying.
Herp: An aftertaste can't leave a back note. Back notes are a type of aftertaste.

by sdm2 August 16, 2013

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bitch noted

a phrase used when one is rubbing something in a bitch's face after having won an argument

well da answer is 4! BITCH NOTED!

by poopmonster222 May 28, 2010

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G noted

When a whole persons life (always a my chem fan) flashes before their eyes after hearing the beginning note of my chemical romances beautiful song β€œwelcome to the black parade”

victim: *cries in emo*
Person1: what’s happened to her why is she so sad
Person2: I took her into a music shop and pressed the g note on a keyboard
Person1: she was G noted

by The_word_maker_8594 May 13, 2020

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Brown Noting

The act of slipping someone a note whilst they are making a brown in the toilet.

Often played in the workplace when you notice a colleague enter the toilets. A dangerous game to play if the person behind the door turns out not to be the intended recipient of said note.

Alex: What's Kyle doing following Martin into the toilets like that?

Richard: He's probably "Brown Noting".

by b00mdr1ve8y November 22, 2013

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Playin Notes

Taking resin hits off of a pipe.

Yeah, so after the party we just went back to the crib and tried playin notes.

by yellowfeather996 March 12, 2010

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G note

A note that used to strike depression to the hearts of the emos. It was the first note in the song Welcome To The Black Parade, and the band that made the song, MCR, broke up in 2013 and the emos would cry eyeliner while screaming the lyrics, but after the band got back together on October 31, 2019, the song became a calling and created a feeling of happiness in the hearts of the emos.

Some random dude: *plays G note*

Emo: *Sreams lyrics with happiness noises*

by 2Lazy4aName December 5, 2019

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