A Matter Cooper is a girl(or guy) with expert skills in oral sex.
Wow, that girl is such a Matty Cooper, she gave me the gluck gluck 9000
claiming you're not racist, but related to Dez and a hardcore brexit man.
personally owning a boat and fully covered by the welfare system:) personal deports anyone who he doesnt deem as "an edl warrior"
Fin coopering - Having a humble mindset but brainwashed by the almighty Derren.
Fin mate, are you a racist??
No mate not at all, i just dont like Romanians
claiming you're not racist, but related to Dez and a hardcore brexit man.
Fin coopering - Having a humble mindset but brainwashed by the almighty Derren.
Fin mate, are you a racist??
No mate not at all, i just dont like Romanians
Is extremely good looking and is incredibly good at lacrosse but some how doesn’t pull for shit
You:yo Liam cooper pull that girl
Liam cooper:I FUCKING CANT
(noun)No one can be cooler than this person. If you try, his personal bestfriend Chuck Norris will come and roundhouse kick you to the face. If god somehow gives you a chance to live and you kill Chuck Norris, Soviets will use their nuclear radiation and resurect him and then leave the death to me. Since Cooper is the Almighty, he just has to look at you an you will fall on the ground, thriving with pain.
(verb) to wish to be hotter than the Cooper
The Cooper Coons just eliminated Adam Ross.
The hottest girlfriend you will ever have, and she is really nice.
cooper sofia is very hot
A man with an massive dick that get a lot of hoes and is constantly rejecting women beacause he only has one girl in his mind and that is the girl at Memphis pizza cafe
Cooper dye is so hot I want to suck his fat throbbing cock