Injecting technology for technology's sake in a subpar manner into everything; often automating a simple humanistic element of life into cheap robotic annoyance. From that Ipad loaded with ads at your restaurant table, to the miserable robocustomer service representative. "Sorry, I didn't quite get that"
This phenomena arose as Boomers tried to stay relevant in their business careers. Operating under the universal assumption that more technology = good they jammed Boomertech into crevices of life where it's presence was never quite needed or wanted.
See also "internet of shit"
They actually bought those boomer tech e-bikes! Just ride a normal bike you lazy shit.
The College that everyone gets accepted to, cuz it's a last resort for all the farm people in Northeastern Washington. This college has a complimentary daycare, laundry mat, farm technology center, and pretend store. Just send $15 and you too! can be a successful student here with degrees in 'filmology, pimpology, steroidology, or 'how to just plain F***ing farm, by some strandberg guy'
"Yo Playa, let's get some JC niggas together and ball wit tha foos in W-town at Wau-Tech"
Tech Mafia A black hat cyber team allegedly known for the Cyber attacks that led on Cyber security news Crypto currency mining with artificial intelligence and Crypto currency ransomware
The team is organized as - XTC (Leader) aka Vimi
Sleek (Associate) aka Tyler
Decievability (Core member) aka Deci
Gorb (Member)
ili (Member)
Toxiic (Core member)
Effiencies (Core member)
Errorbility (Core member)
Esco (Member) aka UDQX
Erik (Core member) aka Sudo
Hesoid (Core member) aka Zach
Idoxedfbi (Member) aka Overdosed
Mal (Core member)
Nicolo (Core member)
Internetlordz (Core member)
Dying$orrows (Member) aka Jon
Softwaredata (Core member) aka Data (Core member) aka Ryker
Zera (Member)
Gme.crzy (Member)
Justi (Core member)
Internetsource (Core member)
Slaps (Core Member) aka Slaps
Tascles (Member)
Black hat cyber team Founded by XTC & Slaps over Twitter
What is Tech Mafia ? Tech mafia is a Black hat cyber team
Any piece of technology made by an Asian country.
Oh man, check out the zip tech I got for my car! This new turbo will make my rice burner haul balls!
(or Bradley Shaw), a suspicious and paranoid computer obsessive who shows no skills in this field. A character in the CSY audio comedy series. He commands Eyeguard and becomes ressurected as the Demi-Bot.
"Tis I, the Demi Tech!"
"I will bluescreen you!"
"Eyeguard attack!"
laughing slowly at first until it gradually increases becoming more and more noticable.
laughing around your friends uncontrollably for a while means your L tech (or laughing tech) is out of controle