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The ultimate sigma, has guns in his house. Might kill you with his pjs or his jawline. Overall though, likes having fun, loves making new friends and will do anything for the ones he loves.

"Your daughter calls me daddy too", said AK.

by Σ AK October 11, 2021


the one and only 🐐, ak is the best, outgoing and strong, mentally and physically, if you know ak personally you've been blessed. AK is never shy, funniest guy and is very cultured, ultimate brown boy you'll ever meet

Is that ak bro ayo!?!?

Siuuuuuu bring fal and ak with you

by AbdiAKniga November 7, 2021


The coolest boy on Earth. One you can trust and also have a big penis. He has many friends but no girlfriend

Look theres a AK

by Brukernavn: AK November 21, 2018


The word that comes before 47.

Ay bruh what comes before 47

by Bruhmike_420 June 12, 2020


A person who’s really good at fucking bitches

I just remembered that I am an AK

by Jake Ciccarellaa November 8, 2020


tall lanky fucker with no dick and cant get hd

do you kno Ak ?
whos Ak ?
that Tall lanky fucker who cant get hard and has a dirty poon

by Akhasasmalldick April 1, 2019



kevin: hi
tom: ak
kevin: ak

by animefurrymaid December 9, 2021