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If your name is Angelina then your lucky, you are a kind person who appreciates the world and nature although you may not think your smart you are. You like to fantasize about things that have meaning to you. Feelings can get overwhelming so you might have outbursts of anxiety, depression or anger. <3

Angelina is a wonderful human xxx
(Slay bitch)

by Imightbe....gay August 21, 2022


That girl who looks like she would annoy you so much but is a literal angel and the best person you know

Girl 1: Do you know Angelina? She looks like such a jerk.
Girl 2: What? No she's so sweet

by ihatewilliam24 March 3, 2024


Angelina is the most beautiful, talented, funny, smart, and anything positive could describe her! Everytime she walks in a room she looks like an angel. She doesn't care what the haters say because she has friends who will be there for her forever. She has the most beautiful hair and most beautiful eyes. She loves acting silly if she's comfortable around you, but if she isn't then she will act very professional. She can always answer a question in confidence if if her answer is wrong. Plus, she would most definitely be 100% wife material. So if you know an Angelina, hold her close and never let go.

Haters: Omg Angelina is so rude and annoying.
Her and her squad: (singing Shake it off by Taylor Swift)

by aliroses<3 April 6, 2022


Angelina is one of the most amazing girl in this world. Every boy likes spending time with her. She ist very sweet, lovely, helpful, friendly and hot as fuck. She loves her family and friends, and she sometimes like arguing with her best friends. Every boy could be more than happy to call her his girlfriend!

Angelina is the best.

by Schmettertante January 4, 2017


a super hot girl. shes nice and very attractive you will only have one angelina she has a great personality and she’s perfect. tennis is her passion dont get between her and her dream to go pro. she is waiting to find the guy of her dreams

angelina is one of a kind. if she trusts you or likes you, you should be proud 🔥💦

by that guy<3 March 17, 2022


Angelina, the most perfect human being ever to exist.She’s chill and also knows how to make you laugh.She doesn't really like being around people but she loves hanging out with her best friends.She can be mean or nice sometimes but she makes sure she hurts no ones feelings.She’s cool and everyone wants to be her. Girls are so jealous of Angelina and boys love her. She loves her boyfriend/gf. She shows lots of affection to you. Angelina is the best person I met in my entire life.💟

“Hey have you seen Angelina, she’s so cool!”
Yeah dude shes so pretty I wish i could date her but she has a boyfriend

by yeahlmaookay March 8, 2022


angelina is the most gorgeous, kind, caring, beautiful person in the world. i love them so much like damn she's perfect. they are so amazing and everyone who meets her has a crush on her. ily angie <333

person one: damn i really love angelina
person two: literally who doesn't

by i love hot milfs 69 May 9, 2022