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A term often used in Gay Chat sites or Gay Profile sites to denote an HIV+ status without disclosing or clearly stating one's status due to stigma, or shame or simple self hatred.

Open-Minded guy looking for LTR

by derfmm July 31, 2009

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Open Fridge

An Open Fridge Policy is where all the contents of your fridge are open to anyone to consume without seeking permission from the owner of the goods. Particularly applies to alcoholic drinks.

Hey mate, can I have a beer? Of course, you don't need to ask, it's an Open Fridge Policy at this house!

by oicunt May 30, 2015

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Open Loser

A description of a someone who is not a loser presently, but who has the ability to become a loser.

Cam thinks excessive Facebok usage makes you a loser.

Jack uses Facebook, not excessively, but has the ability to use it excessively.

Therefore in Cam's opinion Jack is an Open Loser.

by JackAndCam April 4, 2010

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Open Taco

when a women is not wearing underwear, open taco = female as free balling = male

I was taking her pants off at the party last and she was going open taco!

by DaBigEZ75335 February 18, 2011

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Trans open

Trans open means you're open to publicly dating people who are transgender or cisgender; pre-op or post-op.

I'm trans open and in a happy relationship with a post-op transgender woman, but I would have been with regardless if she was pre-op or post-op.

by artistwilliamloyd November 6, 2016

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open door

A person in your life with whom you have not fully closed the sexual component of your friendship. So you might not have talked for months but you say hey and go to bed together that night, or at least end up sexting, and then go back to not talking for months.

Me: "Dude, I was so smashed last night I texted my open door Lisa and woke up next to her this morning. Not again!"

by senorbones March 26, 2019

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Noob's Opening

A chess opening using by noobs/newbs etc who think they know how to play the game, but actually lack the fundemental understanding and intelligence necessary for chess. The opening consists of:

1. e4 e5
2. Qh5 ...

At which poing if White is allowed to take the Black e5 pawn with the Q it is a very strong position for him, especially as it comes with Check. This is known as the Noob Opening position. However, Black simply plays:


to guard the pawn. The typical noob will then play:

3. Bc4

With a threat of check mate with Qxf7. However, Black then plays:


After which the noob will play:

4. Qf3

This is the Uber-Noob's Opening position. After Black's next move of:


White's "attack" is over and Black has an enormous lead in development.

So in summary, the noob believes he is going to get a fast check-mate with Qxf7, but any black player worth their while will quicky avoid this and gain an enormous lead in piece development and in most cases will force the White Q all the way back to its starting square: hence a complete waste of time.

The Noob's Opening is typically played by gobby teenage chess players who will talk trash during the game to try and distract the other player.

by BoomBox ChavCar October 4, 2009

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