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Brown Badger

a brown badger is when you get poo stuck in your ass hairs, due to lack of rectal grooming.

hey man, make sure u wipe ur ass properly or ur gna get a brown badger.

by Darklanky February 10, 2009

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honey badger

A woman who hasn't been brainwashed by the cult of feminism. She recognizes that men are not a group of evil oppressors, but are rather a group who, like women, are exploited by the real enemy, the wealthy elites. She helps spread awareness of the issues men face under both traditionalism and feminism.

The honey badgers' activism is important to the well-being of men today.

by RandomAnonymouseUD January 27, 2020

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Edgy Badger

An edgy badger who makes a point to infinity. Is well traveled, well read and somewhat of a rennosance man. However, he badgers friends and family with his so called edgy experiences.

He’s an edgy Badger traveling to all ends of the earth retelling his old football stories and many examples of his β€œedgy” life.

by the fist shaker January 14, 2019

Purse badger

A person, typically female, who keeps their proximity or RFID badge in their purse at all times. While not typically a problem, the purse badger will always hold up a group of weary-eye, late-arrivals at the entrance while she tries in vain to scan the badge through the sidewall of the purse. The purse badger is an animal of convenience and necessity, and does not remove the badge from the purse for any reason. If the badge cannot be scanned, the next person in line will be forced to use their badge to open the door so the group may pass.

I was late to work because the purse badger was holding up the line at the door.

by W0lf Dick May 4, 2018

Urban badger

An Urban badger, unlike a Rural badger, is a Mature person who is not a: young at heart b: boisterous

The boy jumped onto the others boy back ''You're such a Rural badger'' the Urban badger spoke, wilst looking on the Rural badger with wise eyes

by Tanuki (official) February 17, 2023

Cunny Badger

When you so thirsty for the puss the horny can not be controlled. Like an hungry honey badger fighting over a big mac.

Nibba so hungry for the puss he done turned into a cunny Badger.

by Pooppatroller February 21, 2022

badger impersonator

A scabby man from the Mansfield or Worksop area with an unhealthy interest in animals.

Arthur Atkinson you dirty badger impersonator, pull up your trousers and get our of my zoo!!!

by punji63 November 30, 2021