Source Code


Food that you don't make eye contact while eating

Lance liked to stare into peoples' eyes while eating bananas to make them uncomfortable

by Laxus December 1, 2014

1πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

banana no banana back

banana no banana back is where if you see a yellow vehicle you hit the person in the car and scream banana no banana back so they can’t banana you back

*in the car driving and you see a yellow car* BANANA NO BANANA BACK

by punkins mommi June 13, 2018


A word used to describe a business deal gone wrong. Often used in context when it involves someone you trusted, and after a certain season of enjoyment (usually at your expense) they ditch you for money, morals, lack of intestinal fortitude, or no apparent reason. Also could be used in describing a intimate relationship gone really bad...

"I trusted him and then he turned around and gave me the banana."

by bryandrew December 27, 2006

4πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž


Well, a banana is a fruit. It is yellow, and edible. Obviously. They rule and can be used to get out of situations.

John- What did you do that for?
You- BANANAS! *runs off*

'Hey Harriet, would you like a banana? They taste lovely!'

by Amy Buckland June 18, 2005

12πŸ‘ 49πŸ‘Ž


A word often shouted out by me when it is most insignificant, making it kind of, Random if you like,

<Friend1> so like, we'll go when we've finished clearing up
<friend2> yeah o...--- BANANA!!!!

by Tsukijin January 9, 2004

5πŸ‘ 16πŸ‘Ž


Used as a codeword for biftas or fatties that can be used in the presence of parents or police officers without arising suspicionof what you really talking about. Could be used to make you mum think your eating heathily.

At a family dinner.
Brother- hey sis, had sum bananas last nite, fuckin brilliant.
Sister - cool, got sum left?

by TuBsy August 17, 2005

2πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž


banana is obiously a friut. but alot of the time is used as somone with a bent dick. its quit often used with people who have bent cocks. people make a realy big deal out of it, but they shouldn't coz its really normal. and anyway, people who do have them. apparently it feels better for the girl if you have a "Banana". so if people take the mick (they will take the mick if you have one) just be like. who gives a shit. or just dont show anyone in the first place so knowone finds out :)

PERSON A: you alright guys
PERSON B: yer banana dick
PERSON C: alright banana


one day chris had a blow job from PERSON E
PERSON D: what does a bit of banana tastte like then? did it tickle the back of your throat? hahaha


PERSON F: i swear mate, if your banana was big enough you could fucking make it a quater pipe and we could all have a ride!

by held1back March 28, 2009

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