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spanket blanket

A blanket used primarily during masturbation to cleanse yourself of the billions of little soldiers whom were born and raised without fear and set on a mission. This blanket interrupts this mission and is usually thrown out after 4 or 5 uses depending on the CC of each load.

Frank: Hey, where did my blanket go?

Matt: Andrew took it in the bathroom and is using it as a Spanket Blanket. He'll be out in 5.

by Harry Basagna August 1, 2006

15๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž

dome blanket

A blanket which is used to cover up the face of the ugly bitch giving you dome.

dude! tonight some ugly ass whore is coming over

you better bring the dome blanket

by ian in June 9, 2005

16๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž

Blanket Coverage

Term used to describe individuals who, when at a party or another miscellaneous gathering of peers, cannot decide on one single member of the opposite sex on which to concentrate their attentions, and so just hit on them all instead.

Usually ineffective...

Watch out girls, Booths going for blanket coverage again tonight...

by Jennie Furness May 18, 2006

11๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž

blanket babies

Cum stains, left either on a blanket or really on any type of bedding or sleeping arrangement.

Hey man, hand me a blanket...and NOT the one covered in your blanket babies.

by FizzyDrizzy August 7, 2011

7๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

Under the blanket

A term used when you or a friend know you're able to bang a chick. You have her "under the blanket"

Origiantes from the fact that when your watching a movie with a girl and you get under the same blanket with them your set to fuck. or at least make out. or get a blowjob. Or suck on some titties.

Man she was askin about you at work, you got her under the blanket.

by Herb311 October 25, 2004

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pig in a blanket

When you place your penis on a chick's vagina and pull the lips over to make a pig in a blanket,Great form of foreplay. enjoy! :-)

"Aww man i didnt feel like screwin this chick so i just made a pig in a blanket instead"

by Maximus K April 26, 2007

29๐Ÿ‘ 22๐Ÿ‘Ž

liquor blanket

when you're chilling at the park all day in a tank top and flip flops and even when the sun starts to go down, you are not cold, because you've been drinking all day and the buzz makes you feel like you are wrapped in a warm, cozy blanket

sam: hey, wanna join us at the park?

jamie: nah, it's gonna get cold
sam: you wont feel it - we got liquor blankets.

by elle99 June 2, 2014

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