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brown burglar

Brown burglar is the act in which anal sex is taken without consent.

Brown Burglar- I'm not comfortable talking about homosexual acts ever since I got Brown Burgled

by BoringFisherman May 20, 2015

A windy burglar

A windy burglar is a person who goes out in the rain and windy weather looking for some where to break in the to and is obviously A windy burglar

Look at her out in this wind he’s A windy burglar”

by Stayout March 13, 2019

Fetus Burglar

A person who steals fetuses, either directly from the womb, or from planned parenthood. His/her weapon of choice: Clothes Hanger.

Guy 1: "Hey what's that going through the window?!"

Guy 2: "OH MY GOD, it's. Fetus Burglar, and it's going towards my pregnant wife!"

Guy 1: "She's not gonna be pregnant much longer."

by Fetus_Burglar March 9, 2016

mouth burglar

Mouth Burglar
n. A person who steals a thought or idea, soon after it's initially said by someone else, and make it your own.

Mouth Burgle
v. The act of stealing a thought or idea. Most commonly used in the past tense.

n. You fucking mouth burglar, that was my idea!
v. That summumabitch stole my idea. I've been mouth burgled!

by jah90013 March 16, 2016


The process of stealing someone’s plants

Yuh wan kno the English word for this?! BURGLARIZATION!”

by Loco brazy November 20, 2019


The English word for when somebody robs your plants.

Yuh wan kno the English word for this?! BURGLARIZATION!”

by Loco brazy November 20, 2019

Toy Burglar

A toy burglar is someone who steals their parents sex toys for their own use.

Guy: Have you ever stole anything?
Girl: I mean I’m a toy burglar.

Girl:Look it up on Urban Dictionary.

by That One Annoying Booger August 8, 2019