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Deck Shoes

A style of shoe that somehow became the standard in casual footwear for young men and teenagers in my area (rural Southwestern Ontario) in the early '90's.

Country folk often make questionable fashion choices. The "deck shoe" was a prime example.

by Time4SumAksion August 25, 2005

11πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž

Top deck

Verb meaning to lift the lid off a toilet cistern and subsequently crap inside. Your shit will go undetected for months, except that each time someone flushes the smell will be released. It gets worse with every pull of the chain as the festering turd decomposes. Try top decking your enemies - it's the gift that keeps on giving.

I hate that jerk! Next time I'm round his house I'm gonna top deck his m*therf*ckin' toilet

by AnthonyH May 10, 2012

14πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž

Poop Deck

Ass, booty, butt, pooper

Colleen had an awesome poop deck! MOCO wanted to swab her poop deck!

by MOCO & P-Phat February 11, 2008

62πŸ‘ 92πŸ‘Ž

upper deck

upper deck- its when u take a crap in the tank of the toilet. it works best in hotels lol..

ppl do this because it stinks really badly and usually the person tht u do it to, wont find out for a while

Sally, don't you dare leave an upper deck in your grandmas toilet.

by amaragallion89 November 21, 2009

19πŸ‘ 23πŸ‘Ž

poop deck

A deck on a ship in which you shit on.

I need to use thae poop deck now or else I'll shit my pants.

by Can of Worms November 25, 2006

67πŸ‘ 106πŸ‘Ž

off deck

Is when some one just does look or act right.

Damn gurl, that one bitch is off deck

by miss cutie pie May 10, 2008

28πŸ‘ 40πŸ‘Ž

deck dresser

A girl who uses a photo of herself in a dress on a deck or porch as her profile photo on social media. Sometimes carries an implication of blandness or β€œbasic.”

Brad: β€œHey, a girl just messaged me on Facebook!”
Chad: β€œYeah she’s cute but she’s a total deck dresser.”

by Maloons July 30, 2020