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A person who is sexually attracted to the minecraft youtuber Dream, even though they haven’t even seen his real face and they also ship him with other members of the Dream SMP.
You should avoid these people at all times, they are usually uneducated and weird.

Person 1: I am proud to be Dreamsexual!
Person 2: Are you proud to be an absolute creepazoid who should be permanently kicked from society?
Person 1: No!?
Person 2: You aren’t proud to be Dreamsexual then.

by nopitters December 20, 2021

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Either a valid sexuality on the ace spec or a sexuality used to mock the LGBTQ+ community and

1. Dreamsexual (valid) - Only feeling sexual attraction in dreams, but not when you wake up.
2. Dreamsexual (not valid) - Feeling attraction to the youtuber Dream and only Dream.

1. Bob: Hey, I'm dreamsexual! That means I only feel attraction in dreams.
Lila: I support you!

2. Bob: iM dreamsexual owo. dream is so hot I stan him uwu owo im so valid right??
Lila: Time to get the flamethrowers

by ABlueberryInABasket August 13, 2022

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Someone who feeling sexually attracted to stuff in dreams but not much in real life.

This word is also used for something where someone is " Dreamsexual" in a way where they are attracted to a popular Minecraft youtuber.

Man1: I am sexually attracted to stuff in dreams but not much in real life for some reason.
Man2: Oh you are Dreamsexual!

by Sezza111 February 3, 2022

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Someone who is a small child, and has no idea that you can't make up a sexuality.

Person 1: I'm a dreamsexual! (Not with a capital D because it is not a real thing/name.)

Person 2: Fun fact: dreamsexual is slang for small, infant, impressionable, child!

by PenThePen February 21, 2022

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A word used to refer to a child so fatherless that they force themselves into the LGBTQIA+ community by turning the Minecraft YouTuber Dream into a sexuality.

based human being - "You are a fatherless dreamsexual."
fatherless child - "I am dreamsexual, and proud"

by ADA_Funni May 15, 2022

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Yo dreamsexual is a "sexualality" or a cruch to a youtuber group. If u are dreamsexual fuck your self ur gay ass fucking fatherless child go out and touth grass u fucking wierdoo go kill ur self u are a bad child to the fucking humanity

Human 1 (Hi uwu poggers im dreamsexual)
Human 2 (u are the most fucking wierdo in the world u are a fucking father less child please go kill yourself)
Human 1 (goes kill themself)
The rest of the world (Lets goooo)

by ivano with the facts February 8, 2022

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This definition of dream sexual is basically when a disgraceful child likes a Minecraft YouTuber that they barley know and makes a whole sexuality based on their attraction to a no face YouTuber. These people will often label themselves as a part of the lgbtq+ community ( they are not a part of that community) and will often call people who say "dream sexual is not valid" dreamphobes. Which might I add sometimes they will say they feel a connection to a Youtuber that doesn't know they exist.

cringe Dreamsexual: hey...i'm a part of the lgbtq..
normal person: omg really?! I totally support you thanks for telling me!
cringe dream sexual: omg i'm so glad I don't have to hide my dream sexuality from you it makes me so happy and is so poggers

normal person: ....
cringe dream sexual: ....
normal person: ....what

by Marumaeloer January 15, 2022

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