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cube farm

an office where 'cube' refers to cubicles and 'farm' to an amass or overabundance of cubicles in a single building usually associated with a mundane desk job.

My job in the cube farm only lasted for one summer.

by breakfastdatesaremything August 24, 2009

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Welfare farm

Describes tenement housing where in resides nothing but subsidized crackheads and alcoholics that are rampantly breeding in order to pump up their Welfare check.

Shit ! Since they built that Welfare farm next door you can't get a decent nights sleep between the screamin' children and their drunken crackhead parents cursin' at them !

by critter getter July 3, 2011

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Funny Farm

A word often used by gnomes to refer to a crazy house or insane asylum.

Megan is a hop, skip and a jump away from the funny farm.

by ashevillan. November 3, 2009

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jelly farming

the act of sticking one's fingers in a lady's pussy.

"hey did you hear Richie went jelly farming last night"

by Steve Sidebottom September 1, 2006

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shrute farms

Dwight K. Shrute's beet farm. Where Dwight and his cousin Mose reside.

"The garden party was hosted at Shrute Farms"

"Angela Martin and Andy Bernard almost got married at Shrute Farms"

by cannabislupus June 2, 2017

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Farm Love

When a girl runs away from her over protective family to be with her boy friend and or significant other.

I saw this girl sneak out of her window. I think it was farm love.

by Moonerx21 December 23, 2008

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Picture Farming

Verb: The act in which a Man, or Women collects picture of the opposite sex in little to no clothing and shows them to his or her friends

Man#1: Hey bro, look at these pictures i got from this chick.

Man#2: Those are sick.

Man#1: yea and this girl!

Man#2: That's some thugin Picture Farming

by Garey Busy February 7, 2009

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