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Avatar Fetish

To be sexually attracted to avatars/people interested in Avatar.
-masterbating to pictures of characters from Avatar
-painting you or your partner blue to be more sexually attracted to eachother

I am attracted to blue creatures and have an Avatar Fetish.

by Avatardude56 January 12, 2010

32๐Ÿ‘ 12๐Ÿ‘Ž

foot fetish

A foot fetish is the condition that mostly males are born with.
Most males with a foot fetish desire female feet.
Females with a foot fetish are rare.
They both grow up in a society that tells them that feet are dirty and discusting and stink. But as they grow up- they discover that feet are beautiful, smell good, taste good, and provide that all allusive aphrodisiac that don't exist. Anyone who has a foot fetish dreams of smelling, kissing, licking, sucking, worshipping feet. No one knows where this desire comes from.. however it is not something that you discover one day out of the blue. 98% of foot fetish people just say "All my life - as long as I can remember - I've thought about feet." Jim is a good example. He got married to Sandy - a girl that had the cutest little feet he ever saw. He hid his foot fetish from her. But on the wedding night - he kissed her feet as a way to show her how much he was in love with her. Sandy loved it! She got all wet.
Now Dave didn't do as well. On the wedding night- he also kissed his bride's feet... and she "flipped." "You are sick" left the next day.

OMG! I met this dude at the bar and he has a foot fetish! He tried to kiss my feet! EWWW!!!

by tsaw February 7, 2009

130๐Ÿ‘ 63๐Ÿ‘Ž

Bowser Fetish

The fetish where you dress your mate in a bowser costume and proceed to 69.

Guy 1: Ay dude I dressed my mate as bowser and pounded her.
Guy 2: Dude you have a bowser fetish

by UbermanTopkek September 12, 2016

15๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

shit fetish

Shitting in another persons mouth or face

Taking a dump in someones face

by Shitty Mac Chaf December 24, 2003

83๐Ÿ‘ 41๐Ÿ‘Ž

nose fetish

a person that absolutely loves noses; someone that likes to make out with their partners nose; my boyfriend

*alex kissing on kats nose for over 10 seconds*
kat: 'i c u hav a nose fetish'
alex: 'ya... i gess ur rite'
kat: 'thts kinda rare'
alex: 'i guess so. am i the 1st peson u've met w/ that?'
kat: 'ya'

by kittykat69 November 29, 2007

50๐Ÿ‘ 22๐Ÿ‘Ž

foot fetish

A huge desire to lick, smell, touch, taste, see, female feet.

Gemma took off her flip flops and pointed to them, after i had licked the sweat off them, i stripped naked and buried my face under her soles, the smell was simply divine, after she even let me eat her toe dirt.

by gemma's foot slave March 3, 2005

523๐Ÿ‘ 304๐Ÿ‘Ž

tattoo fetish

A tattoo fetish is a sexual fetishism for tattoos and/or sexual arousal/attraction towards someone's body ink.

Girl 1: "Some people have S&M fetishes, some people have tattoo fetishes, it happens."
Girl 2: "Gee, anymore weird confessions in our buddy support group?"
Boy 1: "I sneeze when I come..."
Girl 1 and Girl 2: "????"

by Kathryn Santini January 12, 2017

9๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž