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sometimes the best ever, and sometimes the complete worst.

girl one: my friends are incredible and i LOVE them!!
girl two: lucky, cant relate.

by eunwooishot August 11, 2019


you have no friends loser

Imagine having no friends, L.

by iamsuperior April 14, 2021


Someone who you like and is always there for you

Hey there ***** you don’t have no friends

by Sammybearbooboopie December 10, 2019


Someone who pretends to like you than later stabs you in the back

Look I have a friend! Oops now I have nothing but lonelyness and pain.

by Depressed.teen July 16, 2017


Something you don't have.

I wouldn't know what an example of friends would be, I don't have any either. q.q

by Adb12fudge July 23, 2015


A friend isn't just anyone.It's someone who cheers you up. Someone who you know is the only one crazier than you. Someone who will stick up for you. Someone who will tell you there problems and deepest secrets. Friends are hard to find. I would know.

Friends are hard to find.

by Melody Sorgatz August 29, 2018


you probably looked this up because you don't have any!

Mom:"Plannign on hanging out with any of you're friends today Hun?"
Son:"What friends,mom?"

by The stuff that I made April 11, 2017