A sign that means, "I love you."
You know I've loved you for years! With a full heart on!
Performing an extraordinary action or doing something with full force without holding anything back.
Marsellus went full gonzo on Zed.
Everyone went full gonzo when Prince played Let’s Go Crazy.
When one is consuming any kind of liquor without using a chaser.
Person 1 - "Billy is slamming vodka like a damn 1930's war veteran!"
Billy (in an intoxicated state) - "FULL STRENGTH BABY!!"
When you have just gorged yourself silly at breakfast lunch or dinner and stand up to announce to your dinning company that your "full bloated"
Accepted commonly in redneck circles as compliments to the cook.
Man, I'm full bloated!
To do something to the extreme, bigly, hard as a mutha.
A pelican can hold about 3.5 kg of fish in its stomach and about 11 kg in its pouch. A pelican going "full pelican" would have 15 kg of fish on board.
Brian: Hey dude, any bigfoot sightings lately?
Other Brian: Hell yeah! We crossed paths this morning. Dude is going full pelican on growing out his hair.
When you just don't half ass it. Doing it all the way. all in. going 100. Giving it your all. Heard in the MUNNYCAT song 'full bronto'
They ain't fuckin around. They straight housed that set. They went full bronto.
Going straight mad af: wildin out
Guy #1: I can't believe Dave at that party last night, he was totally wildin!
Guy #2: I know right, he was going full stan!