Buster city, where all the ponytails kick it at
Hamilton city hella ain’t active
Constantly writing. Having dreams of changing the world. Narcissistic tendencies. Never being satisfied. Convinced history has its eyes on you.
You know you have Hamilton Syndrome when you are asked these questions: Why do you write like it's going out of style?
Write day and night like it's going out of style?
The strongest black man I know he is a fucking beast and doesn’t give an absolute dam about anything. He can even beat Eze Ajoku in a fight (I don’t actually know that) but so he is pretty much a scuffed KSI
Hey that’s Shiloh Hamilton over there I’ll batter him
Na just leave it fam he will literally destroy you
That is an Evan Hamilton over there.
You see that Evan over there (I want him).
White people go here a lot of baseball nerds and a lot of black people who like football but they are all crack babies who don’t know how to admit that they suck
East Hamilton high school oh that school the one that has the most faggots(sorry if this offends you) people in it in the whole world right now.
Sophia Hamilton is a Crazy gorl she is awesome weird and fun she is the night in my shining armor. Sophia is like a cow moon in the good sense she I a waffle befor you turn it over. And she has never seen two pretty best friends.
Sophia Hamilton I have never seen two pretty best freinds
1. A musical written by Lin-Manuel Miranda aka Linnamon Roll which has really expensive tickets.
2. Did not live to see our glory
3. Only 19 but his mind is older
4. The 10 dollar founding father without a father who eventually became a hero and a scholar
5. Failed to say no to this
6. Did not throw away his shot
Person 1: Did you see Hamilton yet?
Person 2: Pssssssssh, no! The tickets are so expensive you can hear my wallet cry if you listen closely.