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heavy pants

to have a large unit (package)

you got to have heavy pants to please the ladies.

by Kickey T September 7, 2003

11πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

heavy petting

A term usually used in health classes to describe the act of mutual masturbation; i.e. playing with each others' junk. This term has never before been used outside of such classes.

Laurel and Colton engaged in a session of heavy petting before gettin' it on.

Oh Colton, it feels so good when we are immersed in heavy petting.

by Bob Elva November 9, 2008

349πŸ‘ 304πŸ‘Ž

Heavy foot

Condition inexperienced drivers suffer from when they start driving. It's a combination of inexperience and nervousness which leads then punching the pedals like in Xbox instead of gently brushing them like in real life.

Daniel Craig has got a heavy foot so i had to adjust when we were training. -The Stig

by I Kr March 24, 2016

15πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž

heavy unit


"YOURE A HEAVY UNIT(fat bitch)"

by dksfdsnfmd June 18, 2017


Something so heavy, it can be described as heavier than a dummy thicc ass.

Man, this Heavy-ass bag of retards sure is hard to carry!

by Retard the third June 8, 2019

Heavy duty

One that is almost fat but not fat yet.

Me β€œ oh my gosh that guy is faaaaat!!!!”
Grandma β€œ no honey that’s mean he is not fat...... he’s just heavy duty”

by King Koconino April 7, 2020

Heavy Face

Someone who is less than appealing to look at. Unattractive; ugly.

"Don't point but that guy over there has a heavy face. Like really heavy."

by D.J. Dripp Nasty February 25, 2020