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The Hitler Game

A game where a player goes to wikipedia.org, selects "random article," and sees how many clicks it takes to get to the "Adolf Hitler" article. The player who can do it in as few clicks as possible wins.

Fun to play at the office when one is bored.

Deskjockey 1: Man I'm bored...

Deskjockey 2: Then make some more sales calls!

Deskjockey 1: Naw... Work is for suckers... I know! Let's play The Hitler Game!

by Chris H., Pip R. November 17, 2012

Hitler Talk

Just like the infamous Hitler, to say something that supports making one group of people more powerful than everyone else.

Gerard: I'm just saying, gamers should take over the world!
Me: Hey slow down buddy, that's Hitler Talk


Michael: Did Bob tell you the crazy thing he told me?
Veronica: No, what is it?
Michael: He said that all people who eat gummy bears should be put to death.
Veronica: That's some serious Hitler Talk.

by Tdogredman November 14, 2014

Hangout Hitler

Similar to a party pooper; ruins events or makes them less enjoyable; possibly starts mass genocide at hangouts

Hey, Jacob. You're being a hangout Hitler right now.

by Ashawanabufontaquiballafondela January 4, 2020

Hitler Hotdog

A sexual act that involves inserting a hotdog into someone's rectum, then eating it out while simultaneously performing the Nazi salute and saying "Sieg Heil".

Some fuck Hitler Hotdogd my sister last night!

by caligine March 24, 2023

709๐Ÿ‘ 186๐Ÿ‘Ž

Milky Hitler

When a man ejaculates on a girls upper lip thus giving her a sperm version of Hitlerโ€™s mustache.

I gave Jenny a milky hitler last night.

by DankToaster27 July 17, 2019

20๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

american hitler

aka Donald Trump

The American Hitler is down in the polls, despite his recent assertions to the contrary.

by BAM76 February 2, 2016

73๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž

literally Hitler

Anyone you absolutely hate with a seething passion. They may not be literally Hitler, but you will make things up about them to make them sound like they could be Hitler just to get others to hate them too. Unfortunately, if caught or if anyone disagrees with you may end up blocking or cutting ties with people.

Person A: Jasmine is literally Hitler, she killed her baby sister.
Person B: But Jasmine's little sister is sitting on my lap. She alive to me.

by Lumlotus December 9, 2016

195๐Ÿ‘ 33๐Ÿ‘Ž