Very strange appearance, doesn’t wear jeans, most commonly described as scary.
Can be heard saying “Really digging this new sweatshirt.” While holding a guitar. Or saying, “Really loving this new jumper.” While playing the flute.
“Wow Caleb Logan Hollister is really digging his new sweatshirt.”
A very preppy indiviual who enjoys sports, his/her low IQ and popping their collar. A Hollister Flip-flop doesn't even need to own a pair of flip-flops to fall under the category, just shop at Abercrombie, Aeropostale, American Eagle and of course Hollister.
Wow, Jordon just popped his collar, he is such a Hollister Flip-flop, and is he wearing pre-ripped jeans?
41👍 46👎
Hollister Co. 1 Sucks so much you don't even know.
It's fake.
It's a waste of money.
It's fake prep.
Kid's make there clothes.
I hate Hollister Co. 1
5👍 20👎
the sartorial choice of the quintessential middle school bully
hollister, a poor stylistic choice representative of moderate economic prosperity
A store where beach vibes meet high school hallways, known for dim lighting and a scent that can be smelled from a mile away.
“Want to feel like you’re on the California coast while shopping? Let’s hit up Hollister.”
A dead clothing brand. Worn by fashion blind teenagers like jack. similar brands include gola, superdry, regetta outdoors, karimor etc
Sam's mum : Oh this is nice!
Sam : Can't you the see the seagull you idiot im not wearing hollister outisde mum i've told you this before i wont even use it as pyjamas you're embarrassing me