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pink humor

gaia's favourite

that's what she said!
you got pink humor...

by giannimorandi November 19, 2020

Happy Wheels Humor

Excessive cussing, dark humor, and inappropriate humor.

A: I have Happy Wheels Humor.
B: Are you like.. making shit up? What the fuck?
A: Oh my god, you do, too!

by ballsack doodoofart June 7, 2023

Broken Humor

A Person with a Weird Humor that likes Non-sense memes.

What is Broken Humor? Broken Humor is "Your Humor" but if your "Humor" cannot process right, Then it is completely broke because you cannot think like a Word OR a Number. Broken Humor People likes Non-sense memes (Doesn't have Sense) and they like being Weird alot because like I said before they can't think either way.

by YUNICHAN2009 October 9, 2023

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Broken Humor

A type of humor that makes you laugh at things that don't make sense or aren't funny to others.

Person 1: *laughs at a meme with a guy with a weird (photoshopped) face*

Person 2: No. Just no. That's not at all funny to anyone but you. You have broken humor.

by Decofcards November 27, 2023

capcut humor

a type of humor that is cringy and is often related from 2020 humor, such as the glitter emojis, tYpInG LiKe tHiS, πŸ‘πŸ‘„πŸ‘, saying bigback unironically, doing cringy trends, it genuinely hurts a part of you when you encounter someone with this humor.

person 1:"πŸ‘πŸ‘„πŸ‘ bOi iM jUsT a sMoL ✨pOtAtO✨ oOp-" "bIgBaCk BiGbAcK"
person 2: "you have capcut humor, it hurts."

by wthriley December 8, 2024

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Troll humor

Something (joke, story, movie-scene) an individual does not find funny until they meet someone who is offended by it.

Then they find it hilarious (either from the nervousness, ridiculousness, obscenity, or the person is in-fact a troll)

Bob: So I heard this really lame joke the other day (insert joke)
Chad: … that's not funny (insert personal story)
Bob: … BAHAHAHAHAAAAA!!! Well I guess this friendship is over?
Chad: Nah, it's alright I understand troll humor just like when (inserts joke about Bob's life)
Both: (Laugh and continue being friends)

by Ian McSmith October 12, 2021

Dark humor

I type of humor not everyone gets, and can be harsh, respects nothing/nobody, however is still funny as hell. Mainly shedding light on how people with mental issues see the world.

Me: I bought a cheese grater for my blind friend for his birthday, a week later he tells me it was the most violent book he'd ever read.
Friend: What?
Me: It's dark humor you wouldn't understand.

by January 10, 2022