Your Girlfriend. Girls love to do things and expect their boyfriend not to do the same.
My girlfriend always tell me not to text and drive, but everytime i get in her car she does it, She's such a Hypocrite!
Someone who judges other people harshly, when they themselves are no better, or are even worse. I’m sure glad I’m not one of them!
All moral arbiters are hypocrites, in one way or another. The only non-hypocrite is God.
People that call out people who do things they do.
Jane: Smoking weed is bad.
Bob and Jens: Says the girl who is smoking a joint.
Someone who does the following...
1. Taunts people for watching (porn) then goes home and watches porn while (playing with themselves)
2. Says "I DON'T LIKE SECRETS!" and yet they pull people away and (gossip)
3. Talks about how gross Justin Bieber is and then you go over to their place and see them kissing a card board statue of Justin and putting their hand down their undies.
1. "Ew you watch porn your so gross" (goes home) "oh oh oh OH FUCK!"
2. "I HATE SECRETS STOP IT!" (later) "Hey come here i gotta tell you something..."
3." I hate justin bieber he's like so gross" (at a sleepover) "Oh yeah baby kiss meh!"
A person who tells somebody not to do something or do something, then proceed to do the opposite. Also known as grade 8´s.
Person 1: No playing video games! Person 1 plays video games. Person 2: You are such a hypocrite.