just an awesome guy with a fucked up life
me: hey jessy, hows life
jessy: FUCKED UP!
Really sporty and competitive, but kind individual. He’s a good friend despite behaving slightly rudely at times, he has a heart and can be a bit self-conscious at times. He’ll have difficulty trusting people, but it isn’t heard to look past that. He doesn’t often show kindness upfront but he will if it is necessary. He isn’t afraid to disregard punishments because of his grades, yet still manages to excel in other classes. Jessy is a good kid and while he might not believe it, he has a bright future ahead of him and I’m glad to be his friend.
I hope you don’t mind, Jessy invited one of his friends to sit with us today.
Jessy will whoop your ass. Or hug you. It all depends on you. You give respect, you will be respected. He sees through your bullshit and posturing. Leave your ego at the door. Hard exterior, intimidating, loud, outgoing, life of the party. Very charismatic and charming. Ladies Jessy will make you forget everyone before him. Jessy also loses interest quickly. So don’t get comfortable, he was drawn to you for a reason. Don’t get lazy. At home he’s quiet, deep in though, often seems like he’s somewhere else. He’s caring, romantic and an over thinker. Fiercely loyal, aggressively protective and fearless. He doesn’t pick fights or look for confrontation, he’s quick to end them though.
Jessy is the man!
Jessy is the coolest nigga alive. He has a very big dick and a nice smile. All the girls love him.
Wow Jessy is really that nigga he is so cool
Jessy is really good at hockey he can beat you anytime any day. He is very nice to his peers and pets. He is very smart in any subject and people should really go to him for help. Therefore to end this definition I want to say that he is not a girl.
Jessy is very very extra super duper mega ultra xtralarge pro.