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Keyboard Warriors

A keyboard warrior is a bitch/nigga who acts tough on social media behind a screen but in life they are quiet and don't wanna post up

Keyboard warriors
Them on social:โ€ I will beat the living shit out of youโ€๐Ÿ‘ฟ
Them in life:............๐Ÿ‘€

by Okkkurrrrt November 15, 2019

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Keyboard warrior

A keyboard warrior is but a incredibly triggered race whom plague social media sights with long heated battles over stupid things like bagel bites, pop tarts and who wore it better. The conversations go on for as long as a month until one shouts either a racial slur or throws a few bars that the other can't recover from and the other gives up

Un gender specified individual: what doing

Fred : fighting a keyboard warrior , and he called me a nig***

by A Sad ANT September 28, 2017

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Keyboard spam

When someone gets super excited online (mostly on fanfiction sites) and spams letters on a keyboard in a comment out of excitement. (ex. nfdicuneihdnxo, shnedjhxnudlios;', or even jeduhjednhxjksn.)

"nkgrfhnchkjesmwjlskdnb he's so pretty guys!" Said user Bloop98 on wattpad. They proceeded to apologise for the keyboard spam and form coherent words.

by Firespirit979 November 17, 2021

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keyboard courage

When someone who is shy in person becomes very friendly or outgoing on a social network such as Facebook.

Girl: Johnny finally asked me out by sending me a Facebook message.
Friend: Hmm...seems he had a case of keyboard courage.

by jessputput November 18, 2010

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Keyboard Hero

Social media has brought us a new kind of "hero".

That's a person that who scared to death of others when in person, yet feels free to insult you most creatively online. That's the lowest form of cowardice.

It's like those people pulling FU signs in their car, knowing you can't catch them as you're turning the other direction or when they see a huge guy coming out his car, hit full throttle or pass out out of fear.

If you can't say it to someone's face, DON'T say it elsewhere, if you have one atom of self-pride in your body!

The Keyboard Hero swore and called the boxer a wimp in an online comment.

by Awingman October 19, 2022

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Keyboard Maoist

Keyboard Maoists are the Maoists who are driven by Communism and Marxism-Leninism-Maoism who present their opinions and support on the internet, generally being a "Digital Activist". They debate, make posters and give statements as they are a big organization or they own a country and arrogantly spread Demise about ideologies which they can't even correctly define.

A person who doesn't protest, kill its enemy with gun or demonstrate against its enemy and just hogwashes on the internet is a Keyboard Maoist. Comrade Mao's term the Revolutionary of Words, suits the Keyboard Maoists.

by Bhe9 March 20, 2022

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Alphabetical Keyboard

Something that is completely useless. The original keyboard of the "alphabet" before it was replaced with "qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm"

Guy1: I love my Alphabetical keyboard!

Guy2: You weirdo, none even remembers the alphabet these days...

by MacGamer115 June 13, 2012

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