Respectful term for a porn star
Is the porno lady featuring at that strip club tonight?
When a female goes crazy with emotions and stops thinking before she act or speaks.
Ur girlfriend gone stright lady crazy buddy.
When you have problems talking to or engaging with women. Or once you do talk to a girl, you end up screwing it up by doing all the wrong things.
"That dude doesn't get any bitches, he's lady retarded."
"His lady retarded ass is going to be single forever!"
Once upon a time.... In a land far far away, there lived a husband and a wife... The husband loved his wife very much, despite her extreme laziness... One day, the husband had to leave on a business trip...and knowing how lazy his wife was, he made her a GIANT donut to put around her neck to eat... However, little did he know that she was SO lazy that when she finished the front half of the donut, she didn't even turn her head to eat the rest of it.... So she died. THE END. the moral of the story: don't be lazy (like Elizabeth)
Brianna: "I was lying in bed last night and I really had to pee, but I just thought if I fell back asleep I wouldn't have to pee anymore.... I spent like 50 minutes lying awake!"
Me: "Don't be such a donut lady"
A girl who had green hair for a bit, taller then average, a ranaga, biggish ears. Also gets tormented by a certain tommy wu
That girl is so elf lady
A word established in a dan and Phil live stream, meaning the excit water girl uses in the game ‘fire boy and water girl’
Phil: just got to go through the lady door
Dan: I swear never say that again
Where you precisely jizz on your girlfriend's face in the shape of a lightning bolt
#1: Dude, I totally did the Lady Gaga on my girlfriend last night but I got all my jizz in her eye.
#2: Bummer