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Laundry Detergent

Used to clean your clothes
Some people are addicted to sniffing it for some reason
How to use:
1. Put clothes in washing machine
2. Add laundry detergent
3. Turn on washing machine

Don’t drink laundry detergent
You will literally fucking die

by Gdisvvc March 21, 2023

Laundry Room

When you finish in the belly button.

Hey, she let me finish in the laundry room!


I finished a load with some lint.

by Rickits91 February 21, 2022

laundry room

A slang term referring to the small room in call of duty that consists of washing and drying machines. Key term used in the classic mini game cops and robbers to scare the cops.

Cop: “Where is everyone?”
Robber *whispering*: “ laundry room ”

by Jake22222222 March 22, 2019

fold the laundry

Prostitution or the act of prostituting oneself for money.

She would fold the laundry to support her crack habit.

by PeteSRT June 13, 2017

louisiana laundry basket

A sexual act involving a laundry basket, octopus tentacles, and tomato sauce. The man slathers the female with the tomato sauce, places the laundry basket over her anus and vagina and proceeds to take the tentacles in her baking and anus.

“Man I couldn’t walk right after Mike gave me the Louisiana Laundry Basket last night”

by 360°NoScope April 14, 2020


Going naked.

I'll say one thing for nudist colonies --- they surely take the "laundry-saver" notion to a whole new level... they are known for buying very little detergent or fabric-softener, especially during warmer months.

by QuacksO October 20, 2018

labia laundry

Cleaning ones vag and letting it air dry after

M: What are you doing on the bed over there?
E: Oh, just my labia laundry before my date tonight, gotta be fresh!

by Lady Jerk July 18, 2019