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Someone who is trustworthy but very sensitive. So, be careful what you say to her. They fall in love way too easily. When they fall in love with you, they'll never think bad of you no matter what you did and will always talk good about you and most importantly, they will never get over you. They often have really low self-esteem and are very insecure. They mostly appear 'too happy' to people they aren't really close to or don't know or who they love. They are genuinely very sad so they try their best to cover up and they always cheer you up effortlessly. One thing's for sure, they will always have your back and support you every chance they have. They are overall just really afraid of the unknown therefore they always recoil back into their comfort zone every time a new challenge is being proposed. You should never ever let her go because if you do she would break down and never be the same again. Never forget that it's almost impossible to ever get mad with her. When you're feeling down, tell her and she'll make you forget about all your worries. She listens to you and no matter how dumb the problem is she will never judge you. If you love her, keep her, but most importantly I have something to ask...

Are you hiding something big from her?

Person 1: "Do you know Lauren?"
Person 2: "You mean the happy-go-lucky kid?"

by my pseudonym cause why not April 29, 2021


Something sweet like a cupcake 🧁 or even a sugarcube

It's an old word that comes from the Lurenian age and it's taken from a queen named Lauren at that age and she used to look like a cupcake 🧁

You're so Lauren!

Can i get some Lauren in my cup of tea please ?

by Laurenian age historians May 29, 2022


Only hot girls are named lauren

dude #1- “Damn that girl is so hot
dude #2- “Yeah she’s hot af, her name is probably Lauren”

by honeybutterbaby April 20, 2022


Hands down the most beautiful person inside and out. Lauren is someone you can always count on to be there for you.Lauren is sweeter than candy. Lauren is loving and caring to the core. Lauren is someone you love but don’t know how to tell them. Lauren is approachable yet so far out of your league it hurts.

Man look at that girl, she’s so beautiful. She’s definitely a Lauren!

by Leeman69 April 6, 2022


A Lauren is very smart, kind, and generous. She has a wild side when she's around her friends, but is shy and quiet around strangers. A typical Lauren will have beautiful brown eyes that sparkle in the sun, long dark hair, and bronze, smooth skin. Laurens are athletic, and have their own type of fashion. Anyone Lauren likes is very lucky, and should definitely like her back. Laurens are angelic and sporty.

boy 1: dude you should be lucky Lauren likes you
boy 2: I know, but I'm too shy to ask her out

by that.sparkly.bitch December 22, 2020


A fucking retarted asshole who looks like a fuckin donkey

Wow that girl is such a Lauren

by Retard_373529 September 4, 2022


She is the best under all circumstances. There are no exceptions.

You know Lauren? She’s just the best.

by Definitelynotkevin October 21, 2021